12月. 1 |
1944 |
通往行政大楼礼堂的消防出口正在建设中. |
12月. 1 |
1945 |
Dr. J.W. 琼斯,教务长,担任全国网赌正规平台第六任校长. |
12月. 2 |
2015 |
政府. 杰伊·尼克松访问了全国网赌正规平台,宣布该大学将获得超过6美元的资金.8 million for campus improvements through the state's Building Affordability initiative to support public colleges and universities. 大学将这笔资金投入到B大楼所需的电力系统维修中.D. 欧文斯图书馆, 埃弗雷特·布朗教育厅, 马丁代尔大厅, 奥利弗·德鲁斯美术大楼和乔恩·T. Rickman Electronic Campus Support Center in addition to replacing all windows at the Administration Building, 布朗大厅, 戈尔登大厅和托马斯·冈特故居. |
12月. 3 |
1979 |
学院院长, 西格玛Tau伽玛和宿舍楼理事会介绍西北校长B.D. 给欧文斯一张总额8279美元的支票.79 from a series of fundraisers to assist the University with restoring the Administration Building after the devastating 7月y fire. |
12月. 3 |
1984 |
玛丽·林恩表演艺术中心, 也就是今天的罗恩·休斯顿表演艺术中心, 以堪萨斯城交响乐团的音乐会开场. Joe Linn, husband of the late 3月y Linn, provided a donation of $250,000 to complete the center. |
12月. 3 |
2009 |
更多的 than 150 people gathered on the lawn of the Thomas Gaunt House for the first holiday tree-lighting ceremony hosted by the Jasinski family. |
12月. 3 |
2019 |
The Northwest community gathered around the Memorial Bell Tower for the annual Holiday Tree Lighting, 是为了庆祝多样性而重新编排的吗. 西北的传统以前是在冈特学院举行的. |
12月. 4 |
1959 |
第一场篮球比赛是在拉姆金体育馆举行的,现在被称为熊猫体育馆. |
12月. 4 |
1984 |
Dr. Dean Hubbard was inaugurated as the University’s ninth president in the new 3月y Linn Performing Arts Center. 该设施与就职典礼同时投入使用, 哈伯德揭开了一块饰有玛丽·林恩照片的牌匾, 1975年至1981年担任校董会成员. The facility has since been expanded and is known today as the Ron Houston Center for the Performing Arts. |
12月. 4 |
1995 |
可以a Angelou, 国际知名诗人,克林顿政府的白宫诗人, 在罗恩·休斯顿表演艺术中心的演出座无虚席. |
12月. 4 |
2008 |
总统Hubbard was awarded an honorary doctorate of philosophy degree from the University of Gloucestershire in England while attending its annual commencement ceremonies. Hubbard was lauded for "his work and achievements in university education" and "enhancing student achievement through university-wide process improvement." |
12月. 5 |
2004 |
经过彻底的修复, 纪念钟楼重新启用,并举行了纪念前总统罗斯福博士的仪式. 罗伯特·福斯特和埃弗雷特·布朗, 谁是福斯特设计和建造钟楼时的助手. |
12月. 5 |
2012 |
在总统办公室外的一个临时仪式上, 全国网赌正规平台授予Bryce Webb理学学士学位, 联合国的一个成员.S. 第二天被派往阿富汗的海军. |
12月. 5 |
2012 |
Students in Jacquie Lamer's advanced advertising strategies course pitched their rebranding campaigns for the Mozingo Lake Recreation Park to city of 3月yville leaders as the culmination of a semester-long project in partnership with the city. The concepts adopted by the city included a new logo highlighting the recreation area’s tall grasses. |
12月. 5 |
2014 |
Country duo Dan + Shay performed at the Ron Houston Center for the Performing Arts for the Student Activities Council's fall concert. |
12月. 6 |
2010 |
U.S. gymnast and Olympic gold medalist Shawn Johnson presented a lecture to a packed auditorium in the Ron Houston Center for the Performing Arts. |
12月. 7 |
1967 |
塔合唱团和学院合唱团, 导演:拜伦·米切尔, 与堪萨斯城爱乐乐团合作举办音乐会. |
12月. 7 |
2018 |
休斯球场, 10月开业, 举办了第一次大型活动, 为期两天的Mel Tjeerdsma经典室内田径运动会. |
12月. 8 |
1941 |
举行了一次特别会议,听取了罗斯福总统对国会的讲话广播, 在那次演讲中,他要求在偷袭珍珠港后宣战. |
12月. 8 |
1945 |
自第二次世界大战以来,学院举行了第一次正式舞会. |
12月. 8 |
1948 |
The Scholarship Supremacy Cup is awarded for the first time and is won by Sigma Sigma Sigma. |
12月. 9 |
1912 |
总统H.K. Taylor recommended opening a drive from the entrance to the school grounds on Fourth Street to run north to intersect Seventh Street; the 校董会 approved a bill of $1,475美元用于修理被雷击损坏的烟囱. |
12月. 9 |
1919 |
The 校董会 voted to keep the college in session despite a coal shortage and ordered the school day to begin at 12:30 p.m. 下午4:30关门.m. 没有晚间活动. |
12月. 10 |
2007 |
一场灾难性的冰暴袭击了玛丽维尔, destroying about 100 trees on the campus in addition to downing power lines and leaving thousands of residents without electrical power. |
12月. 11 |
1906 |
校董会批准了J.H. 感觉 & Co., 架构师, 堪萨斯城的, 以兴建学术会堂, 也就是今天的行政大楼, 以及未来校园的发展. |
12月. 11 |
1922 |
Kappa Omicron Phi, an honorary home economics fraternity, was founded on the campus by Miss Hettie M. 安东尼,家庭经济系主任. |
12月. 11 |
1999 |
The Northwest football team won its second NCAA Division II National Championship by 击败Carson-Newman, 58-52, 在四个加时赛中. |
12月. 12 |
1941 |
学院的教师和学生100%购买了美国国防邮票.S. 加入第二次世界大战. |
12月. 12 |
1947 |
总统J.W. 琼斯在一次车祸中受伤,肋骨骨折,身上有淤青. |
12月. 12 |
1998 |
熊猫橄榄球队赢得了第一个NCAA二级全国冠军, 击败Carson-Newman, 24-6, 在佛罗伦萨, 阿拉巴马州. |
12月. 12 |
2008 |
詹妮弗·贝克尔, 生物学和心理学专业, 你是全国网赌正规平台荣誉课程的第一个毕业生吗, 是在2005年为有天赋和上进心强的学生推出的吗. |
12月. 12 |
2009 |
熊猫橄榄球队击败了大峡谷州立大学, 30-23, 赢得了在佛罗伦萨举行的第三次全国大学生体育协会二级联赛冠军, 阿拉巴马州; the game was Northwest's fifth consecutive appearance in the national championship game. |
12月. 13 |
1938 |
Phi Sigma Epsilon兄弟会的Nu分会在校园里成立了. |
12月. 13 |
1952 |
第一次全校正式舞会在学生会大楼举行. |
12月. 13 |
1953 |
“绞死格林”20周年纪念活动在宿舍楼举行. |
12月. 13 |
2013 |
在冬季毕业典礼上, 全国网赌正规平台授予约翰·加德纳教育学博士荣誉学位, 约翰·N·肯尼迪的创始人. Gardner Institute for Excellence in Undergraduate Education and an inspirational friend of the University. |
12月. 13 |
2019 |
Karie媚眼, 玛丽维尔高中的护士, became the first to graduate from Northwest’s RN-BSN program after it was relaunched in 2017 as an online nursing degree program. |
12月. 14 |
1926 |
化学系实验室的一次爆炸造成了一万美元的损失. |
12月. 14 |
1944 |
A drive for the Sixth War Loan opened with a goal to raise $2,500 from the College; by 1月. 15, $20,672.已经提高了20个. |
12月. 14 |
1947 |
第一位来自英国的学生希尔达·乔利(Hilda Jolly)入学了. |
12月. 14 |
1963 |
爵士传奇人物路易斯·阿姆斯特朗出现在兰金体育馆一年一度的圣诞舞会上. 票价是1美元.50元/人. |
12月. 15 |
1916 |
欢乐合唱团表演了吉尔伯特和沙利文的《全球网络赌博平台》." |
12月. 15 |
1943 |
“复印照片年轻,“照相复印机, 是注册办公室的设备吗. |
12月. 15 |
1954 |
"Everybody who likes to sing" was invited to join in carol singing in front of the Administration Building auditorium in the second-floor corridor for 15 minutes before the meeting of afternoon classes. |
12月. 15 |
1958 |
教职工投票反对建立教职工排名的提议.W. 琼斯不赞成, 因此他成立了一个教员职级委员会, 这是全国网赌正规平台的第一个. |
12月. 16 |
1988 |
阮兰德米尔纳, who captained the 熊猫 football and basketball teams to conference championships as a player in 1932-33 and later coached the teams to conference championships, 被选入密苏里体育名人堂. |
12月. 17 |
1908 |
教师们得知,由于国家资金耗尽,他们将拿不到工资. |
12月. 17 |
1933 |
《全国网赌正规平台》在学生宿舍, 每年圣诞节的习俗, 是由玛格丽特·斯蒂芬森小姐创立的. |
12月. 17 |
1944 |
宿舍里仍然住着海军士兵, 但是女大学生们回来参加传统的绞死绿党的活动. |
12月. 17 |
1956 |
在一年一度的格林绞刑仪式上, 苏莱特, 后来成为西北地区总统B的妻子.D. Owens and thus a future first lady, was the senior student honored as the "Spirit of Christmas." |
12月. 17 |
2004 |
西北航空采用了新的标志标识. |
12月. 17 |
2010 |
全国网赌正规平台橄榄球队主教练梅尔·特耶德斯马说, 大学橄榄球史上最成功的教练之一, 入选了二级足球名人堂. |
12月. 17 |
2016 |
西北橄榄球队赢得了全国大学生体育协会二级联赛的全国冠军, 在堪萨斯城儿童慈善公园的暴风雪中,以29比3击败了北阿拉巴马州, 堪萨斯. The 熊猫s went 15-0 for the second consecutive season and their second consecutive national title. 这是该项目历史上的第六个冠军, 它使全国网赌正规平台获得了大多数二级足球全国冠军的记录. |
12月. 18 |
12月. 19 |
1943 |
传统的绞死绿党成员的仪式在布什总统和夫人的家中举行. 因为宿舍楼已被移交给海军供士兵居住. |
12月. 19 |
2015 |
西北足球队击败了谢泼德大学, 34-7, 赢得第5次全美大学生体育协会二级联赛全国冠军. 创纪录的16人,181 fans attended to see the 熊猫s make their first title game appearance at Sporting Park in 堪萨斯 City, 堪萨斯. |
12月. 19 |
2016 |
西北航空正式宣布里奇·赖特, 前研究生助理,2004年起担任教练组成员, 第20任熊猫橄榄球队主教练. 两天后熊熊队赢得了他们的第六个全国冠军, 赖特接替了亚当·多雷尔, 谁辞职接受了另一所学校的主教练职位. |
12月. 20 |
1995 |
Northwest student Mercedes Ramirez was one of just four survivors of American Airlines Flight 965 when it crashed into the side of the Andes Mountains in Colombia. 拉米雷斯和她的父母, 没有活下来的人, 全国网赌正规平台在飞机上吗, 要去哥伦比亚度假. |
12月. 21 |
2013 |
The Northwest football team won its fourth NCAA Division II National Championship with a 43-28 victory over Lenoir-Rhyne in the last Division II football championship game played 在佛罗伦萨, 阿拉巴马州. |
12月. 24 |
1918 |
学生们结束了秋季学期, having attended classes on Saturdays to make up for lost time resulting from a campus closure that fall during the 1918-19 influenza pandemic. |
12月. 25 |
1919 |
The staffs of the College paper sent gifts for "Christmas cheer to war-stricken children of France." |
12月. 29 |
2010 |
Legendary football coach Mel Tjeerdsma announced his retirement after 17 seasons of leading the 熊猫s. |
12月. 31 |
2010 |
Northwest announced that defensive coordinator Scott Bostwick would succeed Mel Tjeerdsma as head football coach. |